Do not Quit - A Motivational Poetry

SUCCESS is for everybody to achieve

Erl Sua
2 min readAug 20, 2020
Photo by Karina Lago (Unsplash)

You wonder, why things are not going your way

That no matter, how much, hard work you put in

Life hits you back harder

You spent your 9–5 grinding

Doing all compelling motivators tell you

Stay positive

Have a positive mindset

Lock your eyes on your goal and go for it

But after all the sweat, the sleepless nights you invested

You are going nowhere

You are right where you started

And you look at your self in the mirror

And you see a failure

YES, you failed

You failed hard, that you did not earn money

You did not gain fame

You are nowhere, in being rich or successful

What you gained

Are eyebags of defeat

That LOUIS VUITTON under your eyes

That makes you look old

That makes you look weak

You failed

and accept your defeat

But what you must know

Life is not over

What is amazing about life

Is it will GO ON

As long as your BREATHING

As long as you are alive

You have the chance to STRIKE back


And Reach that SUCCESS you have been dreaming

Thing is, in life,

SUCCESS sits on top of the foundation of failure

NO achievements in this world

Reach greatness without first

Experiencing a loss

Experiencing a broken heart

And a wounded pride

Failure will teach a lesson, be self-aware

On why YOU failed

Be aware on WHAT YOU CAN DO

Use the word CAN

And throw the WORD CANT, in the trash can

And DO NOT quit

You have reached this FAR

You have been soaked by the rain

Just go ahead and give your self a bath

Do not quit

SUCCESS is not easy

It never was

SUCCESS is for everybody to achieve

SUCCESS, the way you envisioned your life

But not everybody reaches SUCCESS

Because half of the journey

When things are tough

Many choose to fold

DO NOT quit

And own your SUCCESS



Erl Sua

A calm sea does not make a good sailor, but can you survive the rough seas and become a good sailor?