Easy Steps To Overcome Fear — To Become Confident

Simple steps to fight fear and reach success

Erl Sua
3 min readOct 25, 2020
Overcome Fear and Start Winning

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Are you a person with fears? Hey, you are not alone! Everybody is frightened of something. Some fears are good for you they stop you from doing bad or dangerous things. But other fears are bad for you, they stop you from doing things you would really like to do, or stop you from being the person you would really like to be.

They say that fear is only a state of mind. Great, but how do you stop your fear when you are “shivering in your shoes” at the thought of something that frightens you.

Well, I think there is a way to rid yourself of any fear. The method contains easy steps to overcome fear. If you follow the steps below, and with constant implementation, you’d be able to handle any fear that comes at you.

The method consists of just 7 steps that need to be implemented in order. Learn and master each step in overcoming fear before proceeding to the next.

Step1. Get yourself a nice big legal pad and a ballpoint pen. Now find yourself a place where you can be alone. Make sure you are nice and comfortable because you may want to be there for some time.

Step 2. Now take your nice big pad and with your pen draw a line down the middle of the page. On the left-hand side of the page write in big capital letters “MY FEAR/S” On the right-hand side of the page write in big capital letters “WHY AM I AFRAID?”

Step 3. On the left-hand side of the page underneath the heading write down what you are afraid of. If you have more than one fear put a number in front of each but write ’em all down and if you have to go on to the next page go to the next page.

Step 4. Now pick your worst fear and on the right-hand side of your page write down your reasons why this thing, or person, or whatever frightens you. What does your fear consist of? How do you feel? Why is it preventing you from doing what you want to do or be?

Step 5. Next, take a new sheet of paper and write down what you would really and truly like to do/be if only you weren’t afraid. You have to be absolutely honest with yourself here or this step won’t work.

Step 6. Now sit back, relax, and close your eyes and imagine how you would feel if you could eliminate your fear stone dead. Imagine doing the thing you wanted to do or being the person you wanted to be without any fear. Pretend your fear is all gone. Now, this step doesn’t come easy to everyone and you may have to practice it a bit. But it’s the most important step in the whole process of overcoming fear. And with constant practice, you can overcome fear going through these steps.

Step 7. Take your pad again and write down how you felt when you were imagining your success. Did you feel nice and warm and confident? Did you still feel a little frightened? Write it down. Spend time thinking imagining and writing.

The simple steps of overcoming fear is a process of reframing the mind. A process of retooling how our brain perceives fear as an obstacle, from something gigantic to something feeble. The process of overcoming fear conditions our thoughts to work solutions around obstacles, rather than be incapacitated by something that is solely in your head.



Erl Sua

A calm sea does not make a good sailor, but can you survive the rough seas and become a good sailor?