If You can Give me a Reason not to Kill Myself — A Poem About Love

written by Erl Sua

Erl Sua
Mar 18, 2022
If You can Give me a Reason not to Kill Myself — A Poem About Love

This poem is about suicide!

Some take break-ups very seriously. Though personally, I don’t see any reason why someone can take their life just because somebody left them. It’s not even the end of the world.

But I know that some of you have gone through this. When you felt so attached to a person, and his or her immediate absence wrecked you and left you in a deep void of depression.

If you are this person, I hope you’re well now, and hopefully, this poem is something you can relate to and be part of your healing process.



Erl Sua

A calm sea does not make a good sailor, but can you survive the rough seas and become a good sailor?