The Perfect One? — The Perfect Girl for You

Finding the wrong ones to meet the right one

Erl Sua
6 min readOct 26, 2020
The Perfect Girl for You (Photo from Pexels)

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In general, men are looking first for a physical attraction at a woman. Many of them consider that if she is beautiful and well dressed, it's the perfect partner they are looking for. But they don’t know that behind physical appearances. something bad is hiding.

Maybe this happened to you too. After you began a relationship with her you found out that she is not exactly what you want and what you expect. She hurt you and dumped you when you least expected. Many men are chasing after a woman who lied to them and used them. But, in order to stop this, you should know from the beginning which types of girls you should avoid to not be hurt again. By knowing the signs and seeing them early, you are less likely to end up in a wrong relationship.

Number 1. The Desperate girl

It is the type of girl who spends all her life laid out, looking for a perfect life, and suddenly she discovers that she is getting older and hurries in getting married, hastily looking for the perfect man.

She is desperate to get married no matter who the guy is or what he does.

She is pressed by time and is ready to marry .a jerk as long as he has marriage material

Watch out because if you marry this type of girl, her feelings may not be real, and she just signed up for marriage because she felt she needed to.

Number 2. Materialistic girl

These are the sually is good looking and well dressed. She looks very well outside, but inside she is a money-hungry taker.

She is always in a lookout for men who has a fat wallet.

She expects a man should finance her entire life because she is biologically female and that’s how the ecosystem works.

She is very friendly, nice at the beginning but after some time you’ll see that no matter how much you give her, she wants more.

She is more interested in what she wants from you and not your feelings.

Stay away from this kind of girl because she is more likely to cheat on you once. You will be left heart broken and broke.

Number 3. The Angry girl

She is the type of girl who sees life as a battle. And most probably will not have a good relationship with your mother.

She is quick to see the bad side of you and will turn a blind eye on what good things you have done.

You will have a consistently losing streak of arguments.

She likes to take out of context everything said to her and interprets the words as what she wants it.

Avoid this type of girl of suffer the consequence of looking like 70’s in your 40's.

Number 4. Insecure girl

She is very nice and treats men very well but she suffers from frustration.

She is wracked by anxiety about making the wrong decision.

She has to think twice about what to do, what to wear, where to go, what to eat.

She needs constant reassurance that she’s attractive and worries incessantly. And she easily gets jealous and the reason for your first big argument and your break-up is she gets jealous of your officemate.

Number 5. Stupid girl

This type of girl likes to speak a lot but she doesn’t say anything smart.

She likes to gossip about other people’s lives, but when you want to talk something important with her, she is not able to make conversation.

If she went to school and can’t memorize the multiplication table, don’t go for it, back out.

Number 6. Uptown girl

She is very rich. Everything she has is better than yours and she wants to make sure that you know it.

She only dates the best of best, and you are flattered.

She is entirely focused on herself, very selfish, and self-indulgent grown up.

She needs to be the constant center of attention no matter what she does or where she goes.

Avoid this type of girl or risk being called a Man-B**ch.

Number 7. Childish girl

Everything in life hurts. Everything is depressing. She is a millennial.

She is the type of girl who cries a lot, every innocent comment or criticism will upset her. And she listens to K-Pop even if she does not understand a word.

Avoid this kind of girl because if you are dating one you will have to spend all the time apologizing even if you didn’t make any mistake.

Avoid this type of girl or risk yourself posting a BlackPink video on TikTok.

Number 8. Elusive girl

She is the type of girl who is afraid to start a relationship. You are only in a relationship with her, because both of had sex when both of you were drunk.

She might be hurt in a past relationship and so subconsciously avoids or sabotages new relationships in the present.

She is the type of girl who likes to send mixed messages so you’ll never understand her, a walking morse code.

You will miss sex, but heck, look for another one.

Number 9. Talking girl

There is a big difference between somebody who is able to make a good conversation and have a sense of humor and somebody who always has to make a comment about everything. She is your TMZ.

She is the type of girl who is very hard to please and always has something to say about everything happening around her.

Avoid this type of girl or risk your self as a chaperon inside a police precinct.

Number 10. Romantic girl

She has her own world of romance and fairy tales. You need to send her flowers on every declared special day.

She is very dreamy, imagining things, expecting Prince Charming to come after her. She wants you to have a fancy car.

She is your princess, but unfortunately, you are not prince charming.

If you hate buying flowers, then I suggest you avoid this type of girl.

Number 11. Dragger girl

This kind of girl will always make you feel bad even there is no reason to feel bad at all.

She is always worrying and she can never be happy, everything around her is a total drag. She thinks global warming will destroy the earth 10 years from now.

She likes you to buy the latest iPhone.

Yah! This type of girl will make you feel miserable since she always the negative of things.

Number 12. Controlling girl

She likes to have total control in your relationship and over you too.

She wants to control you in everything you do, you wear, or eat.

If you try to control her too, she will get angry, cry, scream, or use any deceptive female tactic until you give up. She knows her rights.

You are better off with a Stupid Girl than her.

Number 13. Flirting girl

She flirts with anybody and flaunts her sexuality at every opportunity.

She has a big power of attraction, and she has perfect size boobs and a perfectly shaped a*S.

You are always at the risk of being dumped. Yah! She will dump you after she cheats on you.

If you continue to be in a relationship with her, experience hating a friend after.

And if you have reached this point in the article, thank you so much. And as you might have realized, that there is no perfect girl, every type has a flaw, AND THAT IS THE REALITY. And if you are in a perfect relationship right now, then most probably something is wrong, and you are in a fake relationship.

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Erl Sua

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